Friday, November 10, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

Back when I used to live in Maryland, my sister and I would host Thanksgiving dinner for the kids we know that don't have family in the states. Granted they were mainly international students who could care less about the holiday, so the dinner was more for my sister and me. It is still nice tradition though.

Ever since 2001 when I moved to Los Angeles, I've been trying to keep up with the tradition. Last year 2005, was the first year since the tradition started that I didn't host a dinner. It was partly due to complications at the time, as well as being there is no kitchen at where I currently reside. The complication at the time was my ex and I just broke up, and I was really sick from a cold.

This year, however, I am happy to announce that I will be roasting another turkey with my friends.

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